
State (Bundesland): Hessen
Inhabitants: 194322
It covers an area of: 106,77 sqkm
Breitengrad: 51°19'06
Großstadt (Big City) since: 1899

Places to visit in Kassel

First of all you should consult the official homepage of Kassel to get more information.

Places to visit near Kassel

Bergpark Kassel Germany Kühlschrankmagnet, Souvenir, Geschenk, Kristall-Magnet-Sticker-KollektionBergpark Kassel Germany Kühlschrankmagnet, Souvenir, Geschenk, Kristall-Magnet-Sticker-Kollektion (Affiliate-Link),
, MUYU, , , 6,36 €

Bergpark Kassel Germany Kühlschrankmagnet, Souvenir, Geschenk, Kristall-Magnet-Sticker-KollektionBergpark Kassel Germany Kühlschrankmagnet, Souvenir, Geschenk, Kristall-Magnet-Sticker-Kollektion (Affiliate-Link),
, MUYU, , , 6,36 €

ADFC-Regionalkarte Kassel Nordhessen, 1:75.000, mit Tagestourenvorschlägen, reiß- und wetterfest, E-Bike-geeignet, GPS-Tracks-Download (ADFC-Regionalkarte 1:75000)ADFC-Regionalkarte Kassel Nordhessen, 1:75.000, mit Tagestourenvorschlägen, reiß- und wetterfest, E-Bike-geeignet, GPS-Tracks-Download (ADFC-Regionalkarte 1:75000) (Affiliate-Link),
Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e.V. (ADFC), BVA BikeMedia, Landkarte, 396990109X, 9,95 €

Souvenir Schneekugel Kassel Weltkulturerbe Wilhelmshöhe - Reiseandenken Deutschland- 30013x - 65mm Durchmesser - LuftblaseSouvenir Schneekugel Kassel Weltkulturerbe Wilhelmshöhe - Reiseandenken Deutschland- 30013x - 65mm Durchmesser - Luftblase (Affiliate-Link),
, Schneekugelhaus, Haushaltswaren, , 12,95 €

Kassel Travel Guide 2023: Unveiling the Charms of a Historic German City: A Journey through History, Art, and CultureKassel Travel Guide 2023: Unveiling the Charms of a Historic German City: A Journey through History, Art, and Culture (Affiliate-Link),
A. Carlos, Fernando, Independently published, Taschenbuch, , 15,89 €

KASSEL GERMANY: Beautiful images for relaxation & contemplation of the style of buildings & castles…. Etc, all lovers of trips, hiking & photos.KASSEL GERMANY: Beautiful images for relaxation & contemplation of the style of buildings & castles…. Etc, all lovers of trips, hiking & photos. (Affiliate-Link),
BILL, SAMAR, Independently published, Taschenbuch, , 10,84 €

Die Generalkarten, Großraumausgabe, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bl.3, Bremen, Hannover, Kassel (Marco Polo Regional Maps: Germany)Die Generalkarten, Großraumausgabe, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bl.3, Bremen, Hannover, Kassel (Marco Polo Regional Maps: Germany) (Affiliate-Link),
, Marco Polo, Landkarte, 3875042956, 7,85 €

KASSEL GERMANY: A Mind-Blowing Tour in KASSEL GERMANY Photography Coffee Table Book Tourists Attractions.KASSEL GERMANY: A Mind-Blowing Tour in KASSEL GERMANY Photography Coffee Table Book Tourists Attractions. (Affiliate-Link),
MAYAR, LAMAR, Independently published, Taschenbuch, , 10,86 €

Weitere Produkte zum Thema Kassel travel Germany bei Amazon.de (Affiliate-Link)

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