My German Bookshop

from Goethe to Suskind, Beethoven to Blasmusik and Berlin to Munich
Now also with CDs - German Music and Videos about Germany

Here you can find lots of books from Germany (German authors) or about Germany in English.
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Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.
Charles W. Eliot, The Happy Life, 1896, US educator (1834 - 1926)

Table of Contents:

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German Literature

German Literature ranges from medieval to contemporary literature. There are various aspects of German literature which can be exposed like the fairy-tale and romantic narratives or the twentieth-century writers such as Kafka, Hesse, Mann, Brecht. Contemporary literature deals with issues in mass culture and modernity or problems of German national identity/ies. Besides there are a number of special topics as the Faust legend, aesthetics from Kant to Heidegger, Freud and his legacy, the German novel, and the Frankfurt School.


(Paid link) Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (Vintage International) by Patrick Suskind, John E. Woods (Translator) - In 18th century France, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born with no scent of his own, but with with a supernatural ability to detect the scent of others is driven to murder in order to create the perfect perfume. This extraordinarily original premise encompasses the most elegant, aristocratic and erotic novel I have ever read. Flawlessly written and drenched in irony, Perfume tells a haunting tale of a man reminiscent of the Phantom of the Opera, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Beauty and the Beast (beast), and even Faust. Amd finally! A writer with enough talent to let us experience Grenouille's thoughts and emotions. Although, of course, identification with him is impossible, (Grenouille is the most chilling character in literature) I did manage to understand Grenouille's all-consuming passion, much to Suskind's credit. Suskind's prose is lush and evokative (the decadance of 18th century France simply comes alive) without spilling over into the purple prose of books like Violin or The English Patient. Perfume is a bizarre tale, but it is also lyrical and hypnotic - almost a fairy tale of terror. If you're looking for something different, something special, I highly recommend Perfume. The only other book I've found to equal it in originality is Jose Saramago's Blindness. Perfume, however, remains my alltime favorite. (


German Behavior, Attitudes, and Customs

It is very difficult if not impossible to write as a German about German behavior. But here are some links where you will hopefully get a good insight in the specifics of German behavior. I learned a lot last but not least also about myself.


Art and Culture


Learning German




German Entrepreneurs

Zeppelins - Airships

Videos - German Movies and Films about Germany

If you miss a specific book here - I know that this is just a small collection - please mail me

Books about Germany

Leider können gerade keine aktuellen Ergebnisse zum Thema Germany literature bei (Affiliate-Programm) geladen werden. Darum verweise ich Sie auf die aktuellen Krimi Bestseller.

Einsame Nacht: Ein Kate-Linville-Thriller - Der Nr.-1-Bestseller als Taschenbuch (Die Kate-Linville-Reihe, Band 4)Einsame Nacht: Ein Kate-Linville-Thriller - Der Nr.-1-Bestseller als Taschenbuch (Die Kate-Linville-Reihe, Band 4) (Affiliate-Link),
Link, Charlotte, Blanvalet Taschenbuch Verlag,
Taschenbuch, 3442379202, 13,00 €

Das Böse in ihr: Psychothriller | Ein beklemmend guter Thriller, spannend bis zum SchlussDas Böse in ihr: Psychothriller | Ein beklemmend guter Thriller, spannend bis zum Schluss (Affiliate-Link),
Way, Camilla, Piper Taschenbuch,
Taschenbuch, 3492235476, 12,00 €

Blutzahl: Thriller - Der Nr.-1-Bestseller aus Norwegen (Alexander Blix und Emma Ramm, Band 1)Blutzahl: Thriller - Der Nr.-1-Bestseller aus Norwegen (Alexander Blix und Emma Ramm, Band 1) (Affiliate-Link),
Enger, Thomas, Blanvalet Taschenbuch Verlag,
Taschenbuch, 3734108942, 12,00 €

Der Heimweg: Psychothriller | SPIEGEL-Bestseller | Der Heimweg: Psychothriller | SPIEGEL-Bestseller | "Kein deutscher Spannungsautor beherrscht die Klaviatur des Schreckens so wie Sebastian Fitzek." Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (Affiliate-Link),
Fitzek, Sebastian, Knaur TB,
Taschenbuch, 3426519461, 11,99 €

Krähentage: Thriller | Düster, geheimnisvoll, atemberaubend spannend!Krähentage: Thriller | Düster, geheimnisvoll, atemberaubend spannend! (Affiliate-Link),
Cors, Benjamin, dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG,
Taschenbuch, 3423220554, 13,00 €

Die Toten von Fleat House: Ein atmosphärischer Kriminalroman von der Bestsellerautorin der Die Toten von Fleat House: Ein atmosphärischer Kriminalroman von der Bestsellerautorin der "Sieben-Schwestern"-Reihe (Affiliate-Link),
Riley, Lucinda, Goldmann Verlag,
Taschenbuch, 3442494818, 13,00 €

Der Gesang der Flusskrebse: Roman - Der Nummer 1 Bestseller jetzt im Taschenbuch - Der Gesang der Flusskrebse: Roman - Der Nummer 1 Bestseller jetzt im Taschenbuch - "Zauberhaft schön" Der Spiegel (Affiliate-Link),
Owens, Delia, Heyne Verlag,
Taschenbuch, 3453424018, 11,99 €

Der Tausch ‐ Zwei Frauen. Zwei Tickets. Und nur ein Ausweg.: Thriller ‐ Der Nr.1 SPIEGEL-BestsellerDer Tausch ‐ Zwei Frauen. Zwei Tickets. Und nur ein Ausweg.: Thriller ‐ Der Nr.1 SPIEGEL-Bestseller (Affiliate-Link),
Clark, Julie, Heyne Verlag,
Taschenbuch, 3453426231, 12,00 €

Weitere Produkte zum Thema Germany literature bei (Affiliate-Link)